Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Little Adventure

Hey-o peeps! What up? Y'all doing fine? Cuz I'm awesome! LOL

Tch. Let's skip that shall we?


Where was I? Oh, yeah. There's this one day. I dreamt of something awesome. Whenever i dreamt of something awesome, I woke up, grab my phone, type the title of that story. 'Coz later on, it'll help me refresh back so I can blog! =)


We (me and my two other friends) were late to attend a class at some campus. That time there were no busses or cars. There is only one option. A bike.

Yep. This kinda bike. Imagine we ride on this 3 people. LOL

Okay. Our starting point is quite far to the campus. So, we all like rushing like hell to that place cuz we all are damn late.

Zip-zap. Flish-flash. Bam boogedyboo through the busy roads.

Just when all our hopes are lost, I decided to go extreme!

I go behind the bike like this.

Yeah.. I know I'm not a good in drawing. 

Then all of the sudden, this baby speeds up to 140km/h!!! I know because I checked the speedometer.

Funny right?

Before entering the entrance of the campus, there's a t-junction. We need to make a turn to the right.

Break as hard as I could to make that turn.

And here we are! Everybody happy though.


Yeaaaah. I know it sounded silly. LOL

Hehe. Later peeps. Buzz out!


Monday, November 29, 2010

What up?

Hey fellas!  What's up? From now on, Imma blog frequently. So, anticipate the upcoming blog! *winks*

Monday, November 15, 2010

So be it.

Who am I? How do you recognize yourself?
Can people change? How and why?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Saya nampak bulan mengambang.

Hey guys! Sudah sekian lama tak update blog. Ye lah. Budak u. Buzy lewr. Tests. Presentations. Classes. Tidur. Oops! Hehe
Sekarang bulan ramadhan. Which means that we need to fast for the whole 30 days. Fast atau berpuasa bukan nya tidak makan dan minum pada siang hari semata-mata. =)
Ah~ housemate asyik memainkan lagu raya sahaja. Ni yang nak balik cepat nih. So,i decided to 'awalkan' tiket ku ke kampung halaman. Kena charge RM 7. Oh, well. Diorg pun nak make a living en. Cannot blame 'em. ==
So, now i'm blogging while doing assignment which i,err we hafta submit tomorrow before 10a.m. Damn. And i thought imma be lying on the floor, looking at the ceiling doing nothing. Guess not huh?
Okayy. Gotta go. Oh, before i end this post, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari merdeka Malaysia. 1Malaysia Menjana Transformasi. =)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hampir! =(

Tepat pada jam 10 pm semalam, aku membonceng motor housemate masuk UiTM bertujuan untuk mengambil motorsikal kepunyaan housemate.
Pada masa itu, jumlah kenderaan sangat banyak. Aku pun hairan. Kenapa la time jugak kereta banyak? Pedulilah. Pejam celik pejam celik sampai jugak di kolej Resak.
"Jasamu dikenang paan," katanya.
Yada yada. Aku pun terus memecut keluar dari UiTM. Angkat tangan kat pak gad. Then babai.
Sampai kat depan matrikulasi, aku khuatir dengan tayar motor ini. Sebab sebelum ni aku bawak motor yang sama tayar depan memang flat giler. Aku pun tatau kenapa. Minta maaf tuan punya motor kerana terpaksa membiayai kos tayar tersebut. ==
Moving on.
Aku tiba di persimpangan lorong 10. Aku ternampak ada kereta. Jadi aku bajet dapat la lepas ni. Sampai kat persimpangan lorong 11 (lorong rumah sewa aku. Jemput lah datang ye?) aku bagi signal kanan. Tapi lampu tak hidup. OMG. Mengapa time ni lampu dia tak on? Aku baru nak belok ke kanan akan tetapi firasat aku mengatakan aku tidak patut dahulu. Tiba-tiba aku satu hamba Allah ni memecut laju dengan motor nya. Ya Allah. Aku nyaris berlaga dengan motor tadi. Setibanya aku di rumah sewa, aku try lagi lampu signal. Kiri. Kanan. Ok je. Tadi tak nyala pun! Pfft.
Aku pun terus bergegas menanyakan hal ini kepada tuan punya motor.
"Oh, bateri motor aku dah nak mati da,"
Oookaaayy. Aku tadi risk my life kot! Wtf.
Tapi bersyukur aku masih sihat walafiat atas ketentuan ilahi.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I seriously love to eat. Munch. Mamam. Makan. Sebab makan itu best! Tapi bila sudah makan, perut mulai buncit. Muka nampak chubby. Badan rasa berat.

Inilah berlaku dalam Malaysia. Ada satu hari tu, saya keluar dengan memberz minum-minum kat kedai. Ingat minum segelas, berbual2 then balik.
Tak. Mereka semua makan; nasi ayam dan nasi lemak. Time tu nampak semua sedap. Saya: Tape la. Aku tamau makan.
Lan: Eleh. Nak diet.
Saya: Tak la. Aku tak rasa lapar la.
Lan: Paan, tgk. *hirup sup* mmph! Sedap nye sup ni!
Ala takat sup je, kata hatiku. Tapi seyes nampak sedap lak.
Hairy: Paan, hang cuba pikir camni. Kalau takda orang nk gemuk, sapa yang nak jd gemuk?

Fikir punya fikir. Aku pn tibai la nasi lemak. Kenyang~

What i'm trying to say is that kita buat pilihan jangan sampai memudaratkan diri. Kay?

Selamat berpuasa dan berbuka kaum muslimin dan muslimah. =)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ideal Woman

Ini bukan desperate note from a desperate guy okay! Sebab ini bukan nota and i'm not desperate. Seriously. Just nak share my inner thoughts. I think.

Ookaay.. So where were we? Oh, title kata ideal woman. So isi pun kena berkait la kan?

Ideal. Biasa la. Agama, keturunan bla bla bla~ tapi seriously suka tgk gigi and pipi. Erk, weird ke? To me tak.
Yang tadi tu dari pandangan. Mata turun ke hati la kan? =b bukan nak kata demand or apa but being talkative is a must! Sebab kaum hawa ada sahaja topik untuk dibualkan. Now that makes life easier. Yang selebihnya terserahlah pada Tuhan. =)

ceit..battery low~ later!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Let's learn something new!

dear readers,

hey!listen..i wanna teach you guys something..

it's actually da lama it's better late than neva!

ok..saya mahu ajar anda semua cakap terbalik..

ini bukan cakap macam orang gila ke apa..

tp let's say da sentence is "saya mahu makan"

so the correct sentance is, "ya-sa hu-ma kan-ma"

easy rite?though first2 nk try ckp mau terbelit insyaAllah dgn lebuh prektis, beres..tade hal.. lolz

ini juga berkesan untuk mengumpat..opps..bukan, tak baik mengumpat.. =b in case anda tidak mahu beritau org anda boleh try..dgn harapan si dia paham la..haha

selamat try! =)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

On Fire!!!

okay2..dis time, i'm on fire!!!! fine....bkan on fire btol2..but i'm more determined now!
i'm gonna do this right this time! no more failures! wahahaha (giler jap)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Housewife..

Housewife Definition
As a housewife, I feel that if the kids are still alive when my husband gets
home from work, then hey, I've done my job.

Roseanne Barr

those are one of my quotes by many housewives.. sounds easy becoming a
housewife eh?
no. payah kot.

my mother went to her hometown because of an emergency.
so, now.. my home is just guys with no women.. at all!
but gladly, she'll be back by tonight..

apa? mengapa saya berkata becoming a housewife is not that easy as org lain thinks?
okay..i give an example..
ni cite btol tau.. =)
kita start from bgn pagi ..say around 6~7 o'clock..on monday..
1 - bangkit from tempat tido..
2 - kemas tempat tido
3 - solat subuh
4 - wake up the kids utk skolah
5 - send them to school kat bwah..wait till bus arrive..
6 - teman hubby nk pegi keje
7 - now free time jap..ambil msa utk baca paper or watch TV..

8 till 12 o'clock
1 - kemas rumah
2 - cuci baju, jemur baju
3 - (msak breakfast if ada kids cuti from IPT)*
4 - kemas dapur
5 - take five
6 - kids from school pulang, msak utk lunch
7 - siap kan kids for skolah rendah
8 - send them down
9 - rehat lg

*lasts bout 1 week to 2 months

1 till 12 o' clock
1 - relax to restore energy
2 - kids return home from school
3 - layan anak2..
4 - siap2 utk kids mengaji al-Quran
5 - kids return home from mengaji
6 - tutor the kids
7 - hubby pulang
8 - layan hubby
9 - continue tutoring the kids
10 - kemas2 skit rumah
11 - bersiap utk tidur
12 - tidor and prepare for tomorrow

as you can see, it sounds easy..but bkn senang beb..
housewives are amazing indeed..

so! i've made up my mind..
if my wife is a housewife, i would love her like i have no other wife.

Sick Gramma

as days past,
we grew older..

my mom ada cerita..
my gramma sakit..
her mind is working verrrryyy well..
but maybe her body is not strong enuf..
ni some of the pics yg diorg amik..

cousin dgn gramma

close up nenek

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


just duduk rumah mmg hungry..
i wanna eat..
aritu kazen penah blanja mkn..
aku minta ramen..
tp somehow...i dislike ramen..
awek die offer udon..
best lak udon! perh..

Monday, May 17, 2010


now cuti for whole two months..
my plan is..
1. find part time job (cari exp for working)
2. once i receive my pay, i wana buy a guitar..
3. once i buy myself a guitar, i wanna sit at home learn a few strings..

BUT! i don't have that much time..
1. kena pergi s'pore for 2 weeks..
2. bile da blik, gerenti tak sempat nyer!
3. bile tak sempat, sume 1-3 kat atas td tak's been 2 years da mcm nih.. =3='

Sunday, May 16, 2010


as i surf the net..i found a pic of this..
1. how do they.....?
2. why do they.....?


Friday, May 14, 2010


i must admit that i am a morning person..though i sleep late at night, but i can't help to wake up early in the morning.. =)
one morning i woke up, bulan nmpak sungguh indah mase tu..
i tried take a pic of it..but it is too dark.. =/
so i waited sampai pukul 7.20AM..
baru la nmpak skit.. XD

Thursday, May 13, 2010


boring dok umah la plak..haha..time exam jugak bosan..
so i drew sumting..
i drew dis...but only da face la..
one of my roomates add tangan and word 'nyoron'..
dia kata kat tenet ada..
cube gooooooogle..ada kot.. =)

Saturday, May 1, 2010


aku ada lagi 7 hari mau pulang ke umah..
rindu lak masakan ibu..

ye la..dok luar..duit pon keluar..
gua mau save tp siksa gak la idup nie..hoho

kadang2 mkn mende mcm kat kiri nie..
moi sup..yum..penah mkn? XD

though boley tahan rasa nya, tp.....
1. seyes tak kenyang..
2. seyes pedas, seyes sakit perut pastuh
3. tak sihat..tade sayur and stuffs..i mean not balanced lah..hehe

Friday, April 2, 2010


Ah..sudah april pun..

but it's weird though..
people nowadays don't seem to be fooling around in the conjunction of April Fool's Day..

is that suppose to be good?or what?

recently, i'm falling in love with...something like this..
again.. =3

have you heard of Big Bang and 2Ne1 - lollipop?tatau la lagu tu da lame ke tak..but i like 'em!

well,sambung lagi nnti..i'm off with those books.. zzz
ja ne!