Showing posts with label Reality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reality. Show all posts

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mimpi Buruk Nan Indah

Baru-baru ni, aku baru sahaja menghabiskan dua buah buku karya H.M. Tuah berjudul, 'Original' dan 'Inikah Cinta' di mana kedua-dua buah novel ini ceritanya bersambung-sambung. Kata lain, sequel lah.

Pada bahagian index, di situ dinyatakan tentang mimpi. 

From wikipedia

Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.

Seperti yang dinyatakan di atas, di bahagian index novel tersebut menyatakan bahwa terdapat :

 3 jenis mimpi 

Antaranya ialah : -

  • Peristiwa Yang Menggembirakan
Biasa lah. Masa tidur kita dibuai mimpi yang indah. Asal bangkit dari tidur je, tersengih-sengih bila terkenang kembali mimpi semalam. Kadang-kadang ada orang cemuih lihat kita. Rasa macam nak bagi penampor sebijik. :b

  • Mimpi yang batil atau permainan syaitan
Mimpi sedemikian berlaku di mana kita mimpi buruk. Atau sesuatu yang lok'laq. Asal bangkit dari tidur je, kita bukannya ingat sangat storyline mimpi tadi. Antara contoh-contoh yang berlaku apabila kebangkitan segera dari tidur ialah : 


Titisan air mata berguguran ke bumi

So, kalau tak mau macam tu. Sebelum tidur, bacalah doa sebelum tidur, basuh kaki. :)

  • Keinginan Nafsu

Ini berlaku dimana benda yang dilakukan sebelum tidur muncul di alam mimpi. Benda yang dibuat sebelum tidur/tertidur mempengaruhi fikiran untuk menjelma semasa tidur. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Kelemumur Buat Sakit Hati

Pada suatu pagi yang indah, anda dikejutkan oleh sinaran matahari yang lembut. Dengan senyuman mengukir bibir anda membetulkan posisi anda di katil double decker anda.

Tunggu jap.

Apa benda putih yang jatuh dari langit tu?

SNOW!? SALJI!? Kat Malaysia!?

Pergh! Seronok gile!

Fikir anda. Bangkit dari katil anda lihat roomie anda sedang menggaru-garu kepalanya.


Kelemumur! Geli siot!!

Definition of Dandruff

Dandruff is the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp (not to be confused with a dry scalp). Dandruff is sometimes caused by frequent exposure to extreme heat and cold. As it is normal for skin cells to die and flake off, a small amount of flaking is normal and common; about 487,000 cells/cm2 get released normally after detergent treatment.Some people, however, either chronically or as a result of certain triggers, experience an unusually large amount of flaking, up to 800,000/cm2, which can also be accompanied by redness and irritation. Most cases of dandruff can be easily treated with specialized shampoos.


Basically, kulit kepala gatal-gatal.Dandruff lah tu.

Biasa nya dandruff kena pada kulit yang kering. Tapi oily scalp pun juga assist dalam percambahan dandruff.

Pergi keluar date.

Awek nampak kelemumur.


Tapi kalau yang paling teruk pon. Dandruff kat telinga.


Telinga. Ada. Dandruff.

Kat celah-celah bahagian telinga ada flaky stuff. Dandruff ah tu.

Macam mana nak solve? Huhu


5 Steps.

1.   Eat a healthy, balanced diet
Yes. Healthy diet wards off those flaky white stuffs on your head. Get plenty of food containing vitamins. Research suggests that dandruff is at least in part caused by a fungus that thrives in yeasty, fatty, sugary environments. Though this does not necessarily directly affect the conditions of your skin, your overall health will help with how your body responds to the fungus causing the dandruff.

2.   Don't worry, be happy
Similar to zits and pimple, stress is related to these phenomenon. Just relax.

3.   Limit your use of hair styling products.
Over-usage of hair styling products like mousse, hair-gel and hairspray promotes to dandruff to some people. It wouldn't hurt to minimize the usage. Ain't it?

4.   Wash your hair regularly
As I said earlier, oily scalp got dandruff meh? Yep. Wash regularly la. Massage your scalp a bit. Wash off the oil and dandruff flakes.

5.   Use a shampoo designed to treat dandruff
If there are still dandruffs after some thorough hair washing, you need something stronger shampoo. Buy a shampoo used to treat dandruff. Usually they are available at pharmacies. Follow instructions carefully.

Good luck! XD

Monday, May 23, 2011

Financial Independence

Hey-o peeps!

This morning I teman my bestie go to job interview.


I think that's the name of the company.

She leaves me after I wished her good luck.

Sampai-sampai je ya Allah. Panas nak mampos!

Ada air cond. Tapi tak on. Takkan aku nak suruh the employees nak on kan.

Segan kot.

S'okay. It's cool. There's a man suddenly appear and say, "Hello. Please, help yourself with the drinks."

Itz okay dude. Mak bestie aku da bagi air tadi. Kenyang dah.

Moments later, the same guy kind heartedly switch on the air-cond~ Oh, god bless you mister. XD

After feeling fresh with my sweat all dried up, my eye caught something interesting.

A book made by the HSBC Bank.

It is about 'Financial Independence'.


Financial Independence!? WTH!?

Izit the same as Malaysian Independence?

Haha. No.


First and foremost, Financial Independence is not to be mistaken with us having high income. It is basically, about spend less than you make.

There are 4 points that should be taken consider.

1.    Set Goals

Yep. Set your goals. Short term goals and long term goals.

Short term goals are the basics like saving deposits, pay off credit card bills which will support the long term goals.

The long term goals are buying a house and/or saving up money for early retirement.

Like me [a student], if i were to buy a motorbike Yamaha LC (long term),

Nice.. This is what I want..
I have to settle my PTPTN debt first (short term).

2.    Keep Wealth Flow

One word. Investment.

By investing your money, your future is confirmed.

In addition, writing a Will can help to channel your wealth to your family.

3.   Security by Insurance.


There are two types of insurance; whole life insurance and endowment insurance.

    -  Whole life insurance : money accumulated of fixed payment and will receive pay after the issuer's death.
    -  Endowment insurance : money accumulated  of fixed payment and will receive pay after the issuer's death, or the maturity of the insurance, or whichever comes first.

Aku baru belajar bende ni sem lepas. LOL

By having an insurance for you and your family, you have the protection from any losses

Plus, bestie aku pun penah cakap yang aku perlu dan mesti dapatkan insurans. Memang tak dapat nak dinafikan.

4.   Building nest egg for children

Teach. Child. To. Save.

Yes. Teach personal finance at young age. 

How? Simple. Train children to save a percentage of money earned by gifts and part time work. Invest those.

InsyaAllah, no sweat and tears shed when they start college.

Also, taking up insurance police that builds up cash value when the child is very young is a good start.


Aiya. Take small steps every day loh.

Because rome was not build in a day, neither did Malaysia gain independence overnight.

Set goal, know what you want, work towards it.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hari Hujan Sekat-sekat


Hey - ho. X)

Lama tak blog. Rindu lak.

Ah. Ini penah berlaku satu hari tu.

Time tu. Aku nak pergi kelas pagi. Cuaca agak mendung pagi tu. Sebab panahan cahaya matahari tade pun pagi tu.

Aku nak pakai kasut. So letak kaki kat luar.

Meletak kaki kat lantai luar rumah.

Tetiba hujan lebat pulak!

OMG. Bantut hasrat aku nak ke kelas. Huhu Masuk la ke rumah.

Angkat kaki masuk dalam rumah,

Mengangkat kaki masuk ke rumah

Tetiba hujan berenti. What the...? Okay tak kesah la. Kuar blik.

Hujan blik. 

Hujan benti. Erh. Third time attempt nk pkai kasut huja n tak benti da.

Nak buat ape? TIDO! haha

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ironi Zaman Sekarang

Hey. Hey.

Ini interesting. Tadi saya baca blog sahabat saya di:


Basically, blog dia menyatakan kesedihan wanita kerana ditinggalkan lelaki yang bersikap curang, tidak setia, dan seterusnya.

Wanita-wanita, mesti sedih kan jika diperlakukan sebegitu? Jika begitu, kaum-kaum hawa memang memahami kaumnya yang dianiaya sedemikian.

Tapi tahukah kaum adam juga ada yang dianiaya sedimikian jua? Saya bukanlah hendak memperkatakan kaum hawa itu tidak baik. Cuma apa yang saya kata ini benar.

Benda yang berlaku sama tapi perempuan yang memperlakukan terhadap lelaki.

Ironi kehidupan.