Monday, September 3, 2012

Bodoh #4

Hello everybody.

This is very very recent happened to me. LOL

I felt really really bodoh and why la I do that. Hahaha

The story goes like this...................

My friend Arie asked me to pick him up at the college hostel. (Because before that I drove his car to do a study-related errand)

So, I need to go to the toilet first before driving. But then, there is this one auntie.....

My path to arie's car

So, she asks me...

I was like, excuse me?

She ask again..

(My cousin gave me a new watch to me as he didn't wear it no more..)

Using the exact quote, the auntie said..


So, I was rushing like hell. But then suddenly, something struck my mind.

The auntie asked me, jam berapa,  jam berapa.

She asked me what is the time! Not how much!!!

Jam pukul berapa!!

Not jam berapa RM!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Lady, the dog and the elevator.

One beautiful day at Singapore, I was derping around at my grandma's ground floor apartment.

When i was about to go back to my granma's house. There was this lady and her dog about to enter the elevator that I was going to enter as well.

I scared that the dog would lick me. Cuz, later on I will have to samak myself. =3='

Then the lady ask me...

And i was like..

Then she say...

Then she went up just like that. Pfft.

She did say sorry though.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Dear readers,

I apologize for my absence in posting my blogs for the past few months. Seriously, I had no time and no idea what to type about. But now, my ideas are blooming back and I will blog again!  :)

Yours truly,
A'an Enal.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Research #1

Hey2. :)

Okay, maybe bukan research la kan.

Ada member aku ni belajar kat Australia. Dia ada gak cerita yang kawan dia memang pandai bahagi masa untuk kawan-kawan dengan pasangan dia.

He rejects her gf's call cuz he is currently spending time with  my friend there. The gf understands and respects the guy. 

So, I tried asking around at my workplace.

I gave them a situation and it goes like this.

'Contohnya, akak muda sikit dan saya dengan akak sebaya. Kita couple time tu. Then satu malam akak nak sembang dengan saya. Jadi akak pun give me a call. Bila saya angkat, saya pun cakap, "Awak, call balik kejap lagi boleh? Saya tengah bersembang dengan kawan saya," Soalannya, apa perasaan akak? '

  • Kawan itu ialah seorang lelaki.
  • Kawan dari Universiti
  • Semua akak2 yang aku tanya sudah berpasangan (berkahwin, bertunang, berkapel)

Ada 6 orang aku tanya :
- kak mas
- kak syiera
- kak zai
- kak nor
- kak thilaga
- kak sue

Alhamdulillah. 5 orang bagi jawapan yang positif. Mereka memahami 'aku'. 

Unfortunately, one of them fed up by 'my' action. She thought that 'I' cheat on her. LOL

Konklusinya, aku memang hepi. Ramai bagi jawapan yang positive. Mereka faham pasangan masing-masing. 

Susah nak dapat manusia yang jujur sekarang. Tapi, kena cuba yang terbaik! :) *winks*

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Idea #2

Hey hey everybody.

This time I'll be sharing something. On what? Look down buddy.


Yeap. :D

Everybody, I mean EVERYBODY wishes to have a good command of English.

Guess what? 

I have plenty ways to improve that. XD

Read carefully. :b

1.   READ

 Yes, reading. Reading is the essential of learning. From reading, you can almost learn anything! That is why by reading you can improve English. :)

2.   SPEAK

Practice with your peers, friends, family, teachers, weirdos. It's kinda practical after you have learnt by reading.

Speak up!

Just one thing, Please, oh please.


Remember, from mistakes we can learn to improve ourselves. :)

3.   WATCH

Cartoons, movies, dramas. Or even boring documentaries, are great indirect English teachers. For example, for simple English for easier understanding, you could watch this show.

Barney and Friends!!!! XD


But if you want some strong English with some sprinkles of fun and happiness, XD you might want to try watch this show. :)

How I Met Your Mother Series

4.   PLAY

Duhh. What are ye talkin' aboot? (dwarven language)

YES!! I'm talking about gaming experience! As you can see, gaming too teach us good English. But, be careful though. If you are not careful enough, you may end up learning the wrong knowledge. Lookie here.

Okay. The meaning of the word 'parish'.

Searching for the meaning...


But, look on the bright side! You can improve your grammar really well here. Check it.

RIght? :)

So that's it! Of course these are only based on my opinion. If yo are willing to give it a try, good luck to ya! :D

Well then. I bid ye farewell. Toodles. *winks*

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Gooood. :)

"Tunjukkan tanda good jika anda rasa bagus."

Itu lah kata-kata yang dipetik dari Ithnin Yahya. Eh? Sape tu? Ehehe. Memang takde pon. Kalau you guys baca novel karya Dr. H.M. Tuah tau la kut.

What I'm trying to say is, baru-baru ni aku sangat rajin tunjuk tanda 'good' tu.

Malas nak cakap sebenarnya. Tunjukkan tanda tu. Kita tunjukkan kat orang yang kita paham apa yang orang cuba sampaikan.


Now cuti 4 bulan. Woah. 0_o *sdg tunjuk tanda good* Nak keje. Beli motor. Ahhh~~~

Ntah sempat ke tak. =_='

That's ok. Sempat nye. XD Tapii... takde kawan lak. *lemah semangat*

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bulan Puasa

As'salam. Salam sejahtera dan hebat sekali.

Dah masuk hari ke-3 kita berpuasa.

Kini saya bekerja part time kat kedai makan. Pergh. Penat gile.

Tapi berbaloi la. Saya sangat puas hati dengan perbuatan murni aku ni. Dulu time kecik-kecik, saya selalu tengok peniaga di bazar ramadhan.

Sungguh tidak ku sangka, kerja mereka amat memenatkan. Lagi-lagi kalau hasil jualan kita kurang memberangsangkan.

Kita kalau nak berniaga, tak boleh nak paksa orang membeli produk kita. Pelanggan akan tertarik jika aspek-aspek kreativiti diselitkan di dalam perniagaan kita.

Seperti kedai makan yang dikendalikan family business, modal tidak banyak tetapi nilai-nilai kreativiti itu ada. Pelanggan pun tertarik kan?

Berbalik pada bulan ramadhan tadi, saya teringat masa dulu sewaktu membantu ayah menyiapkan makanan untuk berbuka. Buat kebab time tu. Sedang potong daging atas belanga, secebis daging melompat tepi stove. "Eh, bazir ni." Aku pun terus ngap. Erk. Puasa time tu.

Jadi. Apa yang saya nak sampaikan ialah bulan ramadhan ini banyak dugaannya. Kesabaran adalah kuncinya. InsyaAllah, rezeki menanti kita di balik hari.